Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heads Up Deal @ Walgreens 11/2 - 11/8

Make sure you either save your $1/1 Celestial Seasonings Q's from the 10/5 SmartSource, or else get some. Order them or trade for them, whatever. They're going to be on sale - 2 for $3 at Walgreens 11/2-11/8. There's also an IVC in the November ESR Book for $1 off 2 (pg 6).

Here's the deal:
Buy 2 Celestial Seasonings Tea @ $3
-- use 1 $1/2 IVC
-- use 2 $1/1 ManQ

Makes them FREE!

something to keep in mind as the holidays approach and you're putting together gift baskets for teachers, neighbors, friends... whatever

Also, Walgreens (at least at my location) has these large white ceramic coffee mugs (18oz) for $1 - regular price. I think they're just awesome, and will be a great addition to the gift basket.

Also, Kroger has tearpads of $1/1 Starbucks Chocolate. I'm planning a trip out to Target where I'm told that these can be found for $1.08'ish. I'll let you know. (Have you found Starbucks candy cheap anywhere?)

Hope this gives you plenty of time to get a stack of those Celestial Seasonings Tea coupons!!

1 comment:

MoneySavinDiva said...

That is such a great gift basket idea! I am having so much fun putting together cute and fun gift baskets for the holidays with items that I can find for free or nearly free! It's putting a lot of fun in my gift giving!

Tag! You're it! For more info, check out my blog!